Blog posts

  1. My appearance in the Grand Final of 'Jeden z Dziesięciu'

    The video from my appearance in the Grand Final of 'Jeden z Dziesięciu' - Polish quiz show

  2. My second appearance in 'Jeden z Dziesięciu' TV quiz show

    The video from my second appearance in 'Jeden z Dziesięciu' - Polish quiz show

  3. World map generation in Exeris

    Reference to my Exeris blog post about procedural world map generation

  4. Introducing React into the legacy application

    Integrating React (CRA) with a legacy server-side rendered website

  5. Bestaro goes Serverless with Pulumi - Part I

    How I've decreased cost of frontend by using AWS serverless infrastructure

  6. My review of Latin course on Duolingo

    My opinion on recently released Latin course on Duolingo

  7. Bestaro is alive!

    After a successful Facebook API Verification there is a new hope for Bestaro

  8. Building Pelican Blog in Lambda

    The problems with building my blog in AWS Lambda using Serverless framework and how I solved them

  9. Cleaning HTML and CSS in user input (PHP)

    Validation of HTML and CSS content which is submitted by users.

  10. My appearance in 'Jeden z Dziesięciu' TV quiz show

    The video from my appearance in 'Jeden z Dziesięciu' - Polish quiz show

  11. How changes in Facebook API killed Bestaro

    Changes in Facebook API

  12. Bestaro - Service to help in finding lost pets

    Overview of the library and service that displays information about lost and found animals on a map